Pai-Chai University's Yeonjagol Daedongje
Pai-Chai University's Yeonjagol Daedongje
  • Kim Nayoung
  • 승인 2024.03.28 13:24
  • 댓글 0
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배재대학교 공식 홈페이지
배재대학교 공식 홈페이지


  In early November on the first and second of the month, the two-day Yeonjagol Daedongje took place at Pai-Chai University. The festival featured performances by numerous artists, including Leel- lamarz, Giriboy, Kwon Eun-bi, December, and others who showcased their talents.


  On the first day, the session included performances by Pai-Chai University's representative band club, 'Oseonhoe', and various dance clubs. The second session featured performances by Leella- marz, Giriboy, and another artist.


  On the second day attendees were treated to performances by Pai-Chai's clubs, Mokwon University's clubs, and an EDM performance. The second session featured Kwon Eun-bi, December, and another singer. The festival lineup received positive reviews from students for its strong and diverse performances.

  Compared to previous years, there was a wider variety of food trucks available at the festival, and the student council organized a raffle with high-value prizes, enhancing the overall enjoyment of the event. Notably different from the previous year was the opportunity for departments and clubs to promote their booths, providing various experiences and art exhibitions that kept smiles on the students' faces.

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  • 대전광역시 서구 배재로 155-40 (배재대학교) 국제교류관 201호 (155-40, Baejae-ro (Doma-Dong), Seo-gu, Daejeon (G201))
  • 대표전화 : 042-520-5265
  • 청소년보호책임자 : Kim, Yerim
  • 법인명 : the Pai Chai Chronicle, 배재대학교 영자신문사
  • 제호 : 배재영자신문사-the Pai Chai Chronicle
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